What is Convalescent Plasma in Blood?

Convalescent plasma refers to plasma obtained from an individual who has recuperated from an infection. During the infectious period, the individual’s immune system would have mounted an attack on the foreign virus. By the time the virus is vanquished, the body would have developed ammunition specifically to beat the virus, which will be a type of antibody. These antibodies are suspended in the circulating blood, and can be separated out from one of the components of blood – the plasma.

  1. Researchers found that antibodies in the transfused plasma ‘neutralise’ the virus in the patient, thus improving their symptoms.
  2. Supply critical proteins for blood clotting and immunity.
  3. convalescent plasma is likely to be more effective in the early stages of an infection, when the viral load is lower, and the patient can be ‘saved’ from more severe stages
  4. Helps to maintain a proper pH balance in the body, which supports cell function.

Who Can Donate?

Donor safety, as well as the safety of the therapies made from plasma donations is of primary importance. You will need to visit a plasma collection center to determine if you are eligible to donate. In general:

  1. Donor must have recovered from Covid-19 and should be symptom free from 14 days.
  2. Plasma donors should be at least 18 years old.
  3. Plasma donors should weigh at least 50 kilograms.
  4. Must pass a medical examination.
  5. Test non-reactive for transmissible viruses including hepatitis and HIV.

Videos On Donating Plasma

“You can share messages, why not blood?”